My country "Tibet" a hell on Earth

Saturday, February 26, 2011





西藏流亡政府首席部长桑东仁波切于日前在德国接受德国之声记者吴安丽(Adrienne Woltersdorf)的专访时表示,不管达赖喇嘛尊者是否要退休,藏中之间必须要进行接触和对话,解决西藏问题,达赖喇嘛尊者不仅仅要同中国政府进行和谈,还将会同世界各国领导进行协商,就此事件上达赖喇嘛是无法退休的。桑东仁波切还表示,虽然北京当局一直声称,中国政府有诚意在双方间进行对话,但至今依然在推迟和谈的时间,或许中国政府是在等待新的首席部长接任。







美国资深记者姜杰(Tim Johnson)最近出版新书《深红色的悲剧——达赖喇嘛如何征服了全世界却输掉了中国战场 》,建议中国政府必须同西藏政教领袖达赖喇嘛对话,并趁达赖喇嘛健在之机和平解决西藏问题是最佳选择。

根据美国之音报道,前驻北京美国资深记者、 美国麦克拉奇媒体集团驻墨西哥总部主任姜杰 ( Tim Johnson) 于本月初在纽约出版新书《深红色的悲剧》指出,虽然海内外许多藏人主张西藏独立,但是因为尊敬达赖喇嘛所以不公开跟他唱反调,因此,姜杰认为一旦达赖喇嘛去世,再没有任何人能让藏人一致行动,年轻一代更可能采取极端的暴力行动,反而更危险。




此外,美国外交政策倡议组织(Foreign Policy Initiative)人权与民主小组顾问艾伦•博克(Ellen Bork)于近日在《新共和》杂志上发表评论文指出,西藏发生变革后,达赖喇嘛尊者在流亡社区中着手推行民主选举等体系,而中共政府正在蓄意破坏流亡藏人的民主进程,之前还向尼泊尔政府施加压力,阻拦并抢夺当地西藏难民的投票选举箱等,虽然美国政府曾批评尼泊尔当局的这一做法,但是,同中国政府建立庞大的经贸关系后,正在消减对西藏问题的支持和关注。



by Wang January 21,






Thursday, February 24, 2011

Portrait of A Lama As A Spy

By Tsering Shakya

The idea of a Tibetan lama as a spy or agent involved in high-level intrigue has long been a popular theme for thriller writers and novelists. The Teshoo Lama in Rudyard Kipling’s Kim was not himself portrayed as a spy, but unwittingly becomes a part of the skulduggery of the Great Game. In recent years, two British Members of Parliament have written novels with similar figures: in the Labour MP Chris Mullin’s The Year of the Fire Monkey, the CIA recruits a young Lama named Ari and dispatches him to Tibet to work in the ranks of the Chinese Communist Party, where he is tasked to secure a meeting with the Great Helmsman himself and assassinate him (it was of course fantastical to envisage any Tibetan returning from India ever rising to such heights in the Chinese system). The second novel by a British politician wasThe Buddha of Brewer Street, by Michael Dobbs, a former speech writer for Mrs Thatcher, in which the Chinese intelligence services and the British compete in scouring the streets of London to find the next incarnation of the Dalai Lama. In Mullins’ yarn, the baddies are the CIA and the West, while in Dobbs’ novel the villains are the Chinese and the Tibetan lama is the hapless tool of a foreign power: the stories reflect the authors’ political leanings.

And so it is with recent accusations levelled against the Karmapa, one of the most senior and important figures in Tibetan Buddhism, in the Indian media: these too could have come from the pages of a cheap spy novel, were it not for the seriousness of the charges and the high rank of those who are encouraging such suspicions.

While the world is riveted by the news of an early Arab Spring and the drama of Tahrir Square, Tibetans are caught up in the drama of the Indian police raid on the residence of the Karmapa and the subsequent media frenzy about the recovery of foreign currency from various countries in his office. The Tibetans expressed their outrage on the internet and held vigils in support of their religious leader, accusing the Indian media of sensationalising the story, much like any religious followers who find their leaders criticized by the media. The initial response seems to have been to blame the messenger rather than address the seriousness of the charges against the Karmapa and, by implication, against all the Tibetans in India.

In this case, the action taken by the police cannot be viewed as the work of ill-informed local officials or of a shady business deal gone wrong. Of the two central accusations made in the media and by Indian commentators, the most serious is that the Tibetans are engaged in espionage against the government of India (GOI) and the most tenacious is that they are involved in money-laundering. These accusations have serious implications that go beyond the issue of the Karmapa. Even after living in India for over 50 years, the Tibetan diaspora community fails to understand and appreciate the sensitivity of its presence to
India, where these matters are seen very differently from how they are perceived within the Tibetan community. For India, the issues concern the security of the nation and the legality of financial transactions. For Tibetans, the feud over rival claimants to the Karmapa’s title seems like a religious matter internal to the refugees, but like the Shugden issue it represents for India an issue of stability in a sensitive border region: for the GOI and Indian commentators these feuds are seen not as matters of faith but through the lens of security and stability. India knows from painful experience the consequences of religious feuds, and the continuance of these conflicts among the Tibetan refugees is an unwelcome intrusion on Indian soil

The Agent of Influence Conspiracy

The charges against the Karmapa have not just come from the media, but from senior and influential commentators as well. B. Raman, a former Cabinet Sectary of the GOI, wrote of his suspicion that the Karmapa's “escape to India was probably under a long-term Chinese intelligence operation to use him to influence events relating to Tibet after the death of the Dalai Lama”. Similar concerns were raised in a TV interview by Leela Ponappa, the former deputy National Security Adviser to the GOI. No amount of emotional denial by Tibetan devotees and supporters is going to dissipate these doubts.

The assumption that a teenage boy was groomed by Chinese intelligence operatives to go to India as a covert agent seems utterly fantastical. However, the concerns of the officials go much beyond the identity of the Karmapa: what is being expressed at the highest levels of the GOI and among other influential figures in India is an underlying doubt about the role of Tibetans in India and their liability to India’s long-term security. This doubt coheres around the fear that after the death of the Dalai Lama, under the influence of the Karmapa, the Tibetans could become a Trojan horse, abandon their political struggle and run into the open arms of China; or, that they will be fragmented and in some other way be used against Indian interests. This assumption does not speak well of the Tibetan political movement but for hard-nosed India analysts it is not a farfetched scenario – they view Tibetans as blind followers of religious leaders who will not question their Lama’s ruling on what is right or wrong, including in political affairs. The emotional response by Tibetans to the latest Indian media coverage confirms their piety and faith in their religious leaders, and they, as a result, for outsiders, seem no different from any other religious fundamentalists who allow religious leaders to obtain political influence.

The current moves against the Karmapa also reflect growing anxiety in India about China’s plans and a worsening in the Sino-Indian relationship. The Indian media has been at the forefront of voicing fears of Chinese encirclement and the recent arrest of Chinese nationals in India’s Northeast has further exacerbated the perception of intrigue by Beijing against India. This perception has been shaped by decades of dealings with Pakistan, where Indian security officials have experienced the use of agent provocateurs to sow social unrest and discord within India’s borders. Officials assume China operates in similarly old-fashioned ways, not aware of much more developed forms of political strategy.

There are two aspects to the assumptions found amongst Indian officials. One concerns the influence of Tibetan Buddhist leaders among their followers in the foothills of the Himalayas. Brahma Chellaney, professor at the Centre of Policy Research, noted the influence of the Kagyu schools of Buddhism in these sensitive regions. Indian officials have long known that the Tibetan exile monasteries in India are mostly populated by monks from Ladakh, Spiti, Sikkim and Northeast India, and this is particularly true of Kagyu and Nyingma monasteries. The Indian authorities are concerned about social stability and such an issue is legitimate for any government.

However, the assumption that this influence could induce people in the border regions to turn against India because of their religion fails to appreciate the deeply-felt Tibetan opposition to China. In addition, among the peoples in the Himalayas who follow Tibetan Buddhist lamas, there is a growing resurgence of local identity and increasing differentiation from the Tibetan diaspora. In all these areas, devotion to Lamas has never translated into politics. The people in the regions know too well where their interests lie: with India. And the Buddhist populations of the Himalayas constitute a tiny minority – even in Sikkim, where the Karmapa’s main monastery in exile is located, the Buddhist population is a minority. The entire Buddhist population of the border regions does not even make up the size of a mid-sized urban area in India. The ability of the Buddhist population to pose a major threat to India’s security is at best negligible. The festering perception in India that Tibetan Lamas could be a Trojan horse among the peoples in the border regions is thus clearly a misplaced apprehension.

The second fear – that one of the senior most lamas could be a Chinese agent and woo the Tibetans into siding with China – implies that senior Indian officials have serious doubts about the effectiveness of the Tibetans as a strategic asset for India in its dealings with China. The Indian security establishment sees Tibetans as loyal to their Lama rather than to the idea of Tibet itself, and so assumes that the influence of a turncoat Karmapa could turn the Tibetans easily against them. But in fact the Tibetan political movement in India and worldwide has matured towards a largely secular movement: its opposition to China’s rule is deep-rooted and it is unlikely that any Lama could counter that. The community supports the Dalai Lama because he represents that view, not just because he is a religious leader.

Another reason for suspicion among Indian commentators has been the Karmapa’s supposed lack of vocal opposition to the Chinese regime and the reluctance of the Chinese government to lambaste him as they have done repeatedly with the Dalai Lama. But this is true of all senior Tibetan Lamas: none of them make frequent anti-Chinese speeches or lead political campaigns abroad, since this has always been a task delegated to the Dalai Lama, who for centuries has had a formal political role as well as a religious one, unlike the other lamas. Inevitably, the Chinese attack him primarily as their main enemy, rather than other Tibetan lamas, whose followers would turn against them if needlessly attacked. In any case it seems likely that if the Karmapa were a planted agent, the Chinese would have encouraged him to camouflage himself as a firebrand activist. And if they had a long-term plot to undermine India through an agent of influence, why would they use a Tibetan whose ability to affect Indian society and its security concerns is almost non-existent? China would do far better in establishing alliances with a host of other insurgent groups in India.

Since 1959, the single most important failure for China in Tibet has not been the protests but the defection of the Karmapa. His flight to India in 2000 was a major setback for China’s policy in Tibet. Endorsed by the Dalai Lama as well as by the Chinese state, he would have been far better used for their purposes as a means of subduing the Tibetans inside Tibet. When the boy was installed in Tsurphu monastery, the traditional abode of the Karmapas, in 1992, it was a major propaganda coup for China’s United Front Department. Now that he has fled, not a single senior Tibetan Lama remains under their control – all have voted with their feet to come to India. For China, Tibetan Lamas are seen typically as agents of India and other foreign powers, since the vast majority of the famous ones reside abroad. One is reminded of the farmyard bluntness of the Lyndon Johnson, who is supposed to have said: “I'd rather have him inside the tent, pissing out, than outside, pissing in”: the Karmapa was infinitely more valuable to Beijing inside China than outside, because the Chinese have never succeeded in winning the hearts and minds of the Tibetan people and cannot do so without the moral authority of the Lamas. The Karmapa was the greatest asset the Chinese had, and they would have dearly loved for him to have stayed in Tibet and to have endorsed their rule and their message of stability and unity.

Of course, it is right for the government of India to be concerned about stability in the border regions, and they are also right that the ongoing religious feuds within the Tibetan community have not helped. But these disputes are not an issue of international manipulation or something that the Indian security services cannot contain. They are conflicts created by Tibetans and by competing lamas, not designed by China. Those conflicts are now subsiding, with the respective factions burrowing themselves into their holes to consolidate such power and resources as they have been able to gain, and only history will show how these groups will reconcile their differences.

As for the Tibetans, they need to recognise that their internal feuds have implications beyond their own community and have served them badly in their political struggle – if they continue to have a system which integrates religious figures within political leadership, then religion will inevitably impact on their political aspirations and ideals. For example, Tibetan lamas from the Shugden group have already exported the feud over that issue to Mongolia and forced Mongolian Buddhists to take sides. The government of Mongolia is now wearied of this feud and maintains a distance from all the Tibetan Buddhists. As a senior Mongolian official told me recently: Mongolia does not want Tibetan religious conflicts exported to its country, and the Tibetans have now lost a potentially sympathetic nation as an ally.

Unaccounted Crores

Any story involving huge sum of money makes for a sensation: in a world of banks and credit cards, we associate cash with criminality. But among Tibetans, there is no sense of public accountability for the vast sums often accumulated by monasteries and their lamas, because they witness cash being donated every day by faithful followers in almost every monastery and temple. There is nothing mysterious or unexpected about it to any Tibetan, and probably if the Indian police were to raid any mandir, they would also find large bundles of rupees given by devotees. Equally, it is a legitimate concern of government agencies to check the source of any large sum of money and to ascertain how that money is accounted for and used. Just saying it is a donation is an explanation but not a defence, and the Tibetans, enjoying hospitality on Indian soil, have to be cognisant that we are accountable to the Indian public, not just to our community.

For the press, the fact that much of the currency in the Karmapa’s office was in foreign denominations only added to the long-held suspicion in India regarding foreign money and currencies. No doubt, Tibetans would likewise be the first to accuse a lama from the Shugden cult – usually seen as being opposed to the Dalai Lama – of being a Chinese agent if he were found with bundles of Chinese currency. It should be remembered that the Tibetans in India today are dependent on foreign donations and increasingly on Tibetans living in the West, and our refugee community has become a part of the global remittance economy. But Tibetan refugees in India can rarely become Indian citizens and so face complex regulations regarding fund transfers from abroad, and often have no choice but to resort to cash dealings rather than bank deposits. This has been an open secret and the Indian authorities are fully aware of this, as is the case with many business deals in India. As Sunanda K. Datta-Ray points out in theTelegraph:

No one mentions the Karmapa’s Saraswati Charitable Trust into which all unsolicited cash donations would have been paid if permission to do so had not been withdrawn after the first $100,000. He then registered the Karma Garchen Trust but the application to receive foreign donations under the Foreign Contribution (Regulation) Act has been pending since 2002. Forced to retain donations as they come, the monastery ensures that every penny, cent or yuan (under 10 per cent of the total despite the hullabaloo over Chinese currency) is “diligently recorded”. Even one-yuan notes from humble Tibetans without access to any other currency are recorded

The explanation given for the Chinese currency by the Karmapa’s office is plausible: this cash came as donations from followers from Tibet or China, for whom the offering of donations to a lama is an expression of their devotion. The quantities involved should not surprise us either, not just because the Karmapa has tens of thousands of followers, but because the economy in Tibet and China has changed drastically. In the 1980s, Tibet was far poorer than India and donations flowed exile lamas and Tibetans in India into Tibet for the reconstruction of monasteries there. Today, this balance has changed. The Tibetan region has been benefited in some ways from China’s economic growth and today, the people in Tibet enjoy a much higher standard of living than their counterparts in India, and have disposable wealth to send to lamas and to relatives living in India. They can rarely donate to lamas or build monasteries inside Tibet because of heavy restrictions on religion there, and so see India as an alternative base for their temples and monasteries. Both China and India look to these ties with suspicion. The lamas in India are caught in the middle, accused by both sides as agents of the other.

The economic question is one that worries Indian strategists, for the Indian side of the border remains poor and neglected relative to the rapid economic and infrastructural development on the other side of the Himalayas. But rather than seeing the flow of money as an index of espionage, Indian leaders increasingly recognise that disparity in economic development on either side of the border poses a great danger to India. That is why last year vast sums were allocated by New Delhi for development of roads and other facilities in Arunachal Pradesh and other northern border areas. For India's security, cash donations to lamas in India are insignificant compared to India’s all-important task of speeding up infrastructural development and growth in the border regions.

The questions raised in the Indian press have serious implications for the Tibetans. On one level, the Lamas and monasteries must be accountable and maintain transparency over their funding. It is clear that the Tibetans in India are among the largest recipients of foreign donations, yet there is very little accountability to the larger public in India, or indeed to their own followers. The Tibetan settlements and monasteries are often located in poorer parts of India and their finances have a large impact on the local economy. The huge increase in land prices in Kangra and other parts of Himachal are driven by the flow of money into the Tibetan community, an imbalance that has created resentment and unfair competition for some of the local community. Without transparency, lingering doubts will remain about the sources of Tibetan funding and donations. However, such transparency cannot be maintained without clear-cut legal protection and the bureaucratic will to enable Tibetans to operate within India’s financial systems.

However ludicrous the claim that the Karmapa is a Chinese agent may be, the doubts expressed at the highest levels of Indian society are a matter of concern with serious repercussions for the Tibetan community in India. India is engaged in a hard debate regarding its policy towards China, and those who argue for rapprochement with China view the presence of the Tibetans as an obstacle and those who are suspicious of China, and once saw the Tibetans as an asset, are now beginning to doubt their reliability. The media accusations against the Karmapa have galvanised the public perception in India that the Tibetans are a liability to India’s security. The Hindi-language website Janokti described the Karmapa as “aasteen ka saap”, a phrase invoking a hidden snake. These are issues that Tibetans must address calmly and in depth rather than speaking of hurt feelings and attacking the Indian media whose job is to ask hard, unthinkable questions. Nobody likes being in the media spotlight, but in a democratic society the duty of the press is to raise questions and not to pander to religious sentiment. The onus is on the Tibetans to demonstrate beyond doubt that their religious feuds and financial activities do not pose a threat to India's security and stability

Friday, February 18, 2011

Buddhist Monk Broke Bhutan Smoking Law, Faces Prison Time


y Kate James

January 29, 2011

A Buddhist monk broke the Bhutan smoking law, and he may have to serve prison time. In fact, the man, who was the first charged under the new law, may end up serving five years in jail. That is a lot of time for smoking even if the nation does believe that smoking is bad Karma.

Bhutan has vowed to become the world’s first smoke-free nation, and it has passed stringent anti-smoking legislation as part of that goal. The monk was charged under the smoking law with both consuming and smuggling the outlawed tobacco. January is the first month of the new rules.

The monk was caught with 72 packets of chewing tobacco without a receipt, which is over the new law’s limit of 150 grams of tobacco per month. Since 2005, the sale of tobacco has been banned, but there has been a huge black market for the drug from Bhutan’s neighbor India. Because of this, the latest smoking law is quite strict. In fact, police are able to enter homes to search for contraband tobacco products.

In this instance, the 24-year-old Buddhist monk could be charged with a fourth degree felony, which carries a sentence of up to five years in prison. However, the man said he was not aware of the new law perhaps because he lives in a 400-year-old monastic school.

So far, the new Bhutan smoking law appears to be working well. However, this monk seems to be caught in the middle. Hopefully he will not be made an example of in this case because it would be tough to serve five years. However, if the country doesn’t stick to its guns on the law, then people may begin breaking it more often making it much less effective.

Fire gutted 16 houses in Chamkhar in Bhutan

By Samten Yeshi

BUMTHANG, Bhutan, 18 February 2011 (Kuensel)
A fire that broke out in Chamkhar town, Bumthang, in Bhutan, around 1:30 am gutted 16 houses on 18 February 2011. One person has been reported killed. Kuensel Online

A fire that broke out in Chamkhar town, Bumthang, around 1:30 am this morning gutted 16 houses on the left row of the town towards the Chamkhar bridge. One person has been reported killed.

A woman and girl are also reported to be suffered burns on the face and limbs. They are being treated at the Bumthang district hospital where three men are also treated for cuts sustained while battling the flames. Firefighters, volunteers, RBA soldiers and dzongkhag officials and residents of Chamkhar town controlled the flames around 4:30 this morning.

The 16 houses are reported to have housed more than 20 shops and retail businesses. The houses that burned down in last October fire and are being rebuilt were not affected this time.

An assessment, investigation and relief operation teams headed by the Bumthang Dzongda, Zimpoenwom, and armed officers were deployed around 5 am.

First relief operations of providing food and shelter for the victims were arranged under the royal command by His Majesty’s representative office in Bumthang.

This cause of fire is yet to be determined.

The local police have already begun investigating, while a special investigation team is on their way from Thimphu.

The agriculture minister returned from Punakha early this morning to reach Chamkhar by noon, while other assembly members of the dzongkhag were already in Bumthang helping the relief team.

Egypt, Tunisia demos 'in Gandhi spirit':

Dalai Lama

18 February 2011
MUMBAI, India,

Tibetan spiritual leader the Dalai Lama gestures as he speaks during a students gathering at the Mumbai University in Mumbai on 18 February 2011. The Dalai Lama said that recent popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia sat firmly in the tradition of non-violent protest espoused by the likes of India’s independence icon, Mahatma Gandhi.AFP/Getty Images/Punit Paranjpe/India

The Dalai Lama on Friday said recent popular uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia sat firmly in the tradition of non-violent protest espoused by the likes of India’s independence icon, Mahatma Gandhi.

The exiled Tibetan spiritual leader said the principles advocated by Gandhi had inspired US civil rights leader Martin Luther King and South Africa’s Nelson Mandela against apartheid.

“Many years ago, from the Philippines up to Chile, popular peaceful movement really brought a lot of change,” the 75-year-old former Nobel Peace Prize winner said on a visit to India’s financial capital, Mumbai.

“Now the same thing has happened in Egypt and Tunisia without a single shot from the demonstrators. So, things are changing. They are following the principle of non-violence.”

The anti-government protests that began last month in Tunisia and spread to Egypt saw hundreds of thousands of people take to the streets, successfully demanding the ouster of presidents Zine El Abidine Ben Ali and Hosni Mubarak.

Sporadic incidents of violence were reported, however, mainly between pro- and anti-government factions as the authorities tried to shut down the protests with force.

The Dalai Lama, who fled to India in 1959 after a failed uprising in Tibet against Chinese rule, said the world “really needs” to learn the principle of peaceful protest after many bloody wars in the last century.

“We should not consider non-violence as a sign of weakness but rather a sign of strength,” he told a neurosurgery conference at the Taj Mahal Palace hotel, which itself was the focus of the deadly 2008 Mumbai attacks that killed 166.

“The 20th century became a century of bloodshed… If that immense violence, including the use of nuclear weapons, had brought some kind of peace to the world, maybe there would have been some sort of justification,” he added.

“But that was not the case… The 21st century should be the century of dialogue… in order to create a more peaceful society.




读着《拉萨好时光》,其实只是最开头的引子,已经让我的眼睛湿润。也许别人会以为朱瑞在虚构昔日的拉萨,因为她写的达姆热正是今日所说的拉鲁湿地,而拉鲁湿地哪里有半点过去达姆热的影子?可是前不久我回到拉萨,与一位写作古典诗歌的老人谈起消失的拉萨,他说甚至到了1960 年代,文化大革命前夕,还可以看见流沙河一带有黑颈鹤在飞翔,这让他想起六世达赖喇嘛仓央嘉措的诗句“白羽之仙鹤,请借我双翅;不飞往远处,到理塘就回”,这表明当年仓央嘉措从宗角鲁康眺望远方,常常目睹那样的美妙情景,故而写下对来世的预言。当然,流沙河被填没也有三十多年了,如今密布着汽车修理厂、水果批发市场和无数的商铺、饭肆,以及越来越多的外来移民。








也许会有人在读到朱瑞的《拉萨好时光》时像我一样,想起一部名为《The Lost World of Tibet》的纪录片。我看过三四遍了,昨晚又看了一遍,但我依然不认为它是凭吊者的挽歌,虽然我们有越来越多的现实理由在为挽歌注解,就像影片中有个镜头虽一闪即逝,却可以瞥见图伯特的辉煌,但已是最后的辉煌,如夕阳西下,或如回光返照。

那是1958 年的秋天,为通过最高学位的考试,尊者达赖喇嘛先是去哲蚌寺和色拉寺,与最出色的佛教学者辩论,而后又去了甘丹寺。彼时形势越发危艰,入侵者已经露出狰狞之色,只剩下几个月,不及24岁的尊者将不得不踏上流亡之路。然而那天,阳光下,尊者他脚步轻盈,且微笑着,自如地展开绛红色的袈裟,这一瞬间,完全铺满整整一座山的甘丹寺出现了:从旺波日的这头到另一头,绵延而宽阔,重重又叠叠,刚刚刷白的墙体,火红的殿堂,闪光夺目的金顶,被飘飘欲飞的袈裟辉映着,示现了一个绛红色的佛之邦土。







──《观察》首发 转载请注明出处
Sunday, February 13, 2011



印度北部喜马歇尔邦首席部长普雷姆•库马•杜马尔(Prem Kumar Dumal)于昨天(16日)接见流亡社区藏人传媒记者,就喜马歇尔邦对西藏政教领袖达赖喇嘛的看法,以及第十七世噶玛巴事件等问题发表讲话,并承诺将继续为藏人提供各项援助。




- 青海草原上消失的亡灵(完整版) [动向  ] (2月18日 )

发布者:动向   - 2月18日





在正常情况下,人口是一个社会最稳定的数据,因为人口变动是集体行为结果,不是一两个人想变就能变的。 而且,人口数据大多是所谓“官方数据”,无论是普查、抽查或者根据税收等数据推算,其最终依据通常都是政府的官方资料。 中国在1953年和1964年经行过两次人口普查。在研究五十年代藏地历史的时候,青海省玉树州和果洛州的藏人人口数字引起了我的注意。

我找到一些公开出版的人口资料,选出三本书作为比对:一是1987年由青海省计划生育宣传中心出版的“内部读物”《青海人口》,作者冯浩华;其二是1989 年中国财政经济出版社出版的《中国人口青海分册》, 冯浩华是编委之一;其三是中国统计出版社1994年出版,青海省人口普查办公室编的《青海藏族人口》。



1953 年是我考察的起点,那一年青海省到底有多少藏人?青海省人口普查办公室告诉我们:“建国后,从1950年至今,历年都有准确的人口统计数据”,“1950 年,全省人口为1518305,其中藏族人口为435335,占全省总人口的28. 62%,到1957年,增长为513415,年平均增长率为2.41%。”(《青海藏族人口》17页)。从这些数据不难推算,1953年青海藏族人口约为 467574人。

可是,该书第二章却又提供了另一组明指1953年藏人人口的数字:“1953年第一次人口普查,青海藏族人口为 251959人, 占全国藏族总人口的9%。”(《青海藏族人口》22页)这个数据比前一数据减少了215615人,相差约一半。这显然无法用正常的统计误差来解释。

根据《中国人口·青海分册》,1964年,玉树州人口为102012,比1953年减少了24371人,负增长23.89%,平均每年负增长1.97%(《中国人口·青海分册》199页)。人口负增长必有灾难发生。在1953到1964这十年中,玉树州发生了两个影响到人口数量的重大事件:1.战争, 2.饥荒。这两大事件都发生在1958年之后。在1953年到1958年这5年间,玉树并未发生天灾人祸,人口不可能没有自然增长。要弄清楚1953年到 1964年玉树人口的变化,必须找到1957/1958年的玉树藏人人口数据。

《玉树州志》提供了较为详细的该州1956-1996年各民族人口统计表(《玉树州志》 107-108页),但是缺1958年。根据这份人口资料,就算1958年藏人人口与1957年相同,即159419人,亦可看出,在1958年玉树州爆发战争,一年后玉树州藏族人口减少了6209人。到1961年,玉树州人口总量为93095人,其中还包括几千名驻军,也就是说,1961年,玉树州的藏人人口约为9万以下。此数据显示,1958-1961四年的战争,导致玉树藏人人口至少减少69419人,超过1953年玉树总人口的一半。到1964 年,玉树藏人口略有回升,但从1957到1964年统算,玉树人口仍然减少了54850人,即38.7%,超过1958年玉树州人口的三分之一。



《中国人口·青海分册》列出1953年果洛州人口数字为100343,其中包括1952年“果洛工作团”和“果洛骑兵支队”共715人。减去这 715,1953年果洛人口实为99628。根据这个数据,1964年,果洛州人口比1953年减少48753人,即减少了48.9%。也就是说,该州和玉树一样,有近一半藏人人口在那几年里消失了。


“结合反封建斗争,在全州范围内开展了划分阶级成份工作。至1961年6月, 共划牧主712户、2848人, 占总人口的4.43%;富牧855户、3420 人,占总人口的5.32%; 中、贫牧1268 户、57965 人,占总人数的90.24%。” (《果洛州志》266-267页)


以《青海人口》中果洛州1953年藏人人口99628减去64233,即使不考虑前几年的自然增长数,果洛州在“平叛”高峰的1958到1961年中,至少减少了35395人,达35.53 %,超过了1953年果洛州人口的三分之一。






《玉树州志》提供了1958-1962在战争历年被“歼灭”的“叛匪”人数,总计是76725人,相当于该州1959年藏人人口153270的 50.06 %;而如果根据《青海藏族人口》那个被“腰斩”后的人口基数计算,1953年玉树州人口为77628人, 4年中被“歼灭”近76725人后,3年后的1964年居然还有近10万人!

《果洛州志》中也有一组1958年的“叛匪”数据:“1958 年8 月……果洛州煽动和裹胁参加叛乱总户数10673户,人数达44523人。”(《果洛州志》423页) 《果洛州志》提供的1958年人口数据减去“非农业人口”为48219人,也就是说,1958年果洛州的总人口,包括妇女老人儿童,几乎全部“叛”了。这是违背常识的。

《果洛州志》记载的“参加叛乱”总人数可以旁证,该书中的1953年藏人人口数据54662已经是大为缩小的结果,而《青海藏族人口》中,根据全省藏族总人口251959 推算出的果洛藏族人口33259则更是人为编造。1958年“参加叛乱”总数的统计应该是较为可靠的数字,因为这个数字涉及到对这些人的政治处理(惩罚和后来的平反赔偿)。根据这一数字,符合常识的结论是,1953年果洛藏人总数据,最接近真实的是《中国人口·青海分册》中提供的10万左右。




果洛州: 1953年100.60 1964年88.89 1982年99.35
玉树州: 1953年100.95 1964年80.21 1982年92.51



这两个州的青壮年男性牧民到哪里去了? 有关“平叛”的资料和统计数据显示,由于“反对共产党”,反对“统购统销”,反对“合作化”,他们在1958-1961年间被中国人民解放军步兵、骑兵、炮兵和空军用现代作战方式大规模“歼灭”。除了死、伤、失踪之外,还有至少3万多人被判刑和“集训”,期间有相当数量的人死亡。有些部落,解放军所到之处,将青壮男子统统抓起来,很多人就此下落不明。短短几年间,果洛、玉树男女比例成一比七甚至一比十几,这个数字背后的事实是,那些部落里已经没有青壮男人了,部落已经濒临灭绝。那里的藏人所经历的生命损失,用惨绝人寰来形容,也绝不为过。


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Buddha’s not smiling

February 01, 2011

By Dibyesh Anand

‘Is the Karmapa a Chinese spy?’ ‘Is the possible successor to the Dalai Lama a Chinese mole?’ ‘Is this another clever ploy of China to take control of the border regions?’ The media have gone berserk with speculations about the Karmapa Lama. Sadly, the coverage has failed to do any groundwork research. This episode not only exposes the way the Indian media works but also jolts the Tibetan faith in Indian democracy and harms India’s long-term interests in Tibet.
The police raid found a few crore rupees worth of cash. At most, this may be a case of financial irregularity or non-transparent dealings by the managers of the Karmapa’s monastery for which they should be held accountable. Raising questions about a person being a spy for another country is a serious matter. It destroys his or her reputation. The news stories reflect a witch-hunt and betray the lack of an understanding of Tibetan life in India.
Ogyen Trinley Dorje is the 17th Karmapa, the oldest lineage in Tibetan Buddhism and the head of the Karma Kagyu sect. He is one of the rare lamas recognised by both the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government. There is nothing conspiratorial about it. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, China was more accommodative of Tibet-based religious figures, consulting and coordinating the choice of reincarnations with the Dalai Lama and other lamas in exile. This accommodativeness came to an end with the crisis over the Panchen Lama’s reincarnation in 1995.
The Karmapa’s selection after the demise of the 16th Karmapa was not without its own controversy as there is a rival candidate, Trinley Thaye Dorje, who had the backing of a senior Karma Kagyu figure, the Shamarpa. The Shamarpa is reputed to have close connections within the Indian security establishment and bureaucracy. But most Tibetans have accepted the Dalai Lama’s choice. In fact, within China-controlled Tibet, veneration for the Karmapa is next only to that of the Dalai Lama. Even within the Gelug (the sect of the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama) monasteries in Tibet, one comes across the Karmapa’s picture and it is clear that for ordinary Tibetans, the Karmapa’s proximity to the Dalai Lama adds to his sacredness.
It is true that the Karmapa has avoided making anti-China political statements and Beijing has therefore not denounced him. Again, there is nothing suspicious about this. The Chinese had refused to openly criticize even the Dalai Lama in 1959 until he made a public statement after his exile. Beijing does not want to denounce the Karmapa and thus contribute to the creation of another globally recognized figurehead around which the Free Tibet movement will mobilize. Moreover, in recent history, Karmapas have avoided overly political positions since in the traditional Tibetan State, the Gelug sect was dominant. By focusing solely on religious affairs, the present 17th Karmapa is following the footsteps of his previous reincarnation.
It is unfortunate that without appreciating the nuances of sectarian politics within Tibetan Buddhism and Sino-Tibetan relations, the Indian media portrayed the Karmapa’s apolitical stance as suspicious. Continuing speculation about the Karmapa’s escape from Tibet in 1999 reminds me of a Japanese conspiracy theory film where the filmmaker argued that he was ‘sent’ to Sikkim to get control over the ‘Black Hat’ kept in Rumtek monastery in Sikkim. Interestingly, this film was given to me in Beijing!
Decades of repression during the Cultural Revolution has not been able to shake the belief that Tibetans have in their lamas. The Indian media’s onslaught on the Karmapa will only reaffirm Tibetan respect for the Karmapa. But it will certainly backfire for India as followers of Tibetan Buddhism in exile, in the border regions, in Tibet and in the rest of the world, will resent this humiliation of the religious figure. Had it been the Shahi Imam or Baba Ramdev, would the media have taken such liberties in going to town with such an unconfirmed story?
Hardline officials in China must be laughing their heads off at the Indian media circus. They know that this will not only create confusion in the exiled Tibetan community in India, but will also create a disenchantment about India among Tibetans inside China. India has let the Tibetans down on many occasions since the late 1940s when the latter sought help and support in making their claims for independence internationally and in 1954 when the Panchsheel agreement was signed with China over the old Tibetan State. India has provided refuge to more than 100,000 Tibetan exiles. But we must not forget that the exiled lamas provide a stability and keep the people in the borderlands pacified in a manner more effective than the Indian military. Tibetans are over-generous with their gratitude to their Indian hosts and are hesitant in reminding India of a small inconvenient truth: until 1951, the disputed border regions were neither Chinese nor Indian but Tibetan. In return, the very least Indians could do is not malign Tibetan religious leaders before they are even proved guilty of their misdemeanor. Is that too much to ask?

Dibyesh Anand is an associate professor of international relations at Westminster University, London and the
author of Tibet: A Victim of Geopolitics
The views expressed by the author are personal

Saturday, February 5, 2011


作者:唯色 文章来源:民主中国


2001年,王力雄去美国回来,说有个住在那里的博巴(藏人),叫Jamyang Norbu(译为嘉央诺布),用英文写小说,写过福尔摩斯在图伯特(西藏)(即《The Mandala of Sherlock Holmes》,1999年出版)。福尔摩斯?我自然熟悉,有小说有电视连续剧,可那都是发生在英国的悬疑侦探,跟图伯特有什么关系?事实证明我是无知的,福尔摩斯曾失踪三年,再度现身后,提及自己独自去图伯特旅行了两年,甚至到过拉萨。嘉央诺布的小说依据的,应是原著作家柯南•道尔虚构的这段经历.
所以,那次的见面绝对意外。当Skype的铃声响起,我扑到电脑跟前时,太惊讶了,视频上出现的竟然是嘉央诺布那典型的形象。他轻松地跟我打着招呼:“唯色啦,Depo Yin-pey (好吗)?”我很紧张,我自己都看得出来,我的脸涨得通红。
就在这时,一个美丽的小姑娘出现在视频上,T恤上印着一个熟悉的图案,那是FREE TIBET【14】的和平鸽衔着树枝在飞翔的标记。她跟我打了个招呼就跑了。嘉央诺布慈爱地看着她的背影笑吟吟地介绍道:“这是我的女儿,我有两个女儿,我现在的主要工作就是照顾她们。”

3】即台湾悬钩子,她的博客 http://lovetibet.ti-da.net上翻译的有嘉央诺布先生的多篇文章。
8】赵尔丰:清朝末年任督办川滇边务大臣兼任驻藏大臣,1905年-1908年,率兵入藏东康地镇压藏人反抗,实行同化藏人的“改土归流”政策,屠杀藏人如麻,被藏人称为“赵屠夫”, 却被今日的中国作家和学者大加称赞,如曾在西藏二十余年的汉人作家马丽华,在其书中“感叹行将就木的一个朝代居然出现这等有所作为的封疆大吏”。一位“研究”藏学的学者干脆撰文《Zhao Erfeng: a hero of Kham》。

【9】史德文:Dr. Albert Shelton。1904年,美国基督会派遣医学博士史德文、牧师浩格登来巴塘考察。1908年,史德文来巴塘筹办教务,以行医为入世之谋,渐得巴塘信仰。第二年在城区设立基督教堂,建立巴安基督教会小学,一幢孤儿院和牧师住宅等,并大面积栽植从美国引进的苹果树。1911年,史德文、浩格登在巴塘正式成立巴安基督教区。1919年,建立基督教半西式医院——华西医院。1922年,史德文被当地藏人打死,后葬在巴塘。他著有《图伯特历险记》(Pioneering in Tibet)。



【12】杰衮本:藏语又称“衮本贤巴林”, 意为十万佛像弥勒洲。即塔尔寺,位于藏东安多,即今青海省湟中县,藏传佛教格鲁派宗师宗喀巴的诞生地,格鲁派六大寺院之一。


【14】FREE TIBET:即自由西藏学生运动,






Thursday, February 3, 2011




来源:藏人文化网博客 丹正嘉









Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Buddha’s not smiling

Hindustan Times
ruary 01, 2011

‘Is the Karmapa a Chinese spy?’ ‘Is the possible successor to the Dalai Lama a Chinese mole?’ ‘Is this another clever ploy of China to take control of the border regions?’ The media have gone berserk with speculations about the Karmapa Lama. Sadly, the coverage has failed to do any groundwork research. This episode not only exposes the way the Indian media works but also jolts the Tibetan faith in Indian democracy and harms India’s long-term interests in Tibet.
The police raid found a few crore rupees worth of cash. At most, this may be a case of financial irregularity or non-transparent dealings by the managers of the Karmapa’s monastery for which they should be held accountable. Raising questions about a person being a spy for another country is a serious matter. It destroys his or her reputation. The news stories reflect a witch-hunt and betray the lack of an understanding of Tibetan life in India.
Ogyen Trinley Dorje is the 17th Karmapa, the oldest lineage in Tibetan Buddhism and the head of the Karma Kagyu sect. He is one of the rare lamas recognised by both the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government. There is nothing conspiratorial about it. Throughout the 1980s and early 1990s, China was more accommodative of Tibet-based religious figures, consulting and coordinating the choice of reincarnations with the Dalai Lama and other lamas in exile. This accommodativeness came to an end with the crisis over the Panchen Lama’s reincarnation in 1995.
The Karmapa’s selection after the demise of the 16th Karmapa was not without its own controversy as there is a rival candidate, Trinley Thaye Dorje, who had the backing of a senior Karma Kagyu figure, the Shamarpa. The Shamarpa is reputed to have close connections within the Indian security establishment and bureaucracy. But most Tibetans have accepted the Dalai Lama’s choice. In fact, within China-controlled Tibet, veneration for the Karmapa is next only to that of the Dalai Lama. Even within the Gelug (the sect of the Dalai Lama and Panchen Lama) monasteries in Tibet, one comes across the Karmapa’s picture and it is clear that for ordinary Tibetans, the Karmapa’s proximity to the Dalai Lama adds to his sacredness.
It is true that the Karmapa has avoided making anti-China political statements and Beijing has therefore not denounced him. Again, there is nothing suspicious about this. The Chinese had refused to openly criticise even the Dalai Lama in 1959 until he made a public statement after his exile. Beijing does not want to denounce the Karmapa and thus contribute to the creation of another globally recognised figurehead around which the Free Tibet movement will mobilise. Moreover, in recent history, Karmapas have avoided overly political positions since in the traditional Tibetan State, the Gelug sect was dominant. By focusing solely on religious affairs, the present 17th Karmapa is following the footsteps of his previous reincarnation.
It is unfortunate that without appreciating the nuances of sectarian politics within Tibetan Buddhism and Sino-Tibetan relations, the Indian media portrayed the Karmapa’s apolitical stance as suspicious. Continuing speculation about the Karmapa’s escape from Tibet in 1999 reminds me of a Japanese conspiracy theory film where the filmmaker argued that he was ‘sent’ to Sikkim to get control over the ‘Black Hat’ kept in Rumtek monastery in Sikkim. Interestingly, this film was given to me in Beijing!
Decades of repression during the Cultural Revolution has not been able to shake the belief that Tibetans have in their lamas. The Indian media’s onslaught on the Karmapa will only reaffirm Tibetan respect for the Karmapa. But it will certainly backfire for India as followers of Tibetan Buddhism in exile, in the border regions, in Tibet and in the rest of the world, will resent this humiliation of the religious figure. Had it been the Shahi Imam or Baba Ramdev, would the media have taken such liberties in going to town with such an unconfirmed story?
Hardline officials in China must be laughing their heads off at the Indian media circus. They know that this will not only create confusion in the exiled Tibetan community in India, but will also create a disenchantment about India among Tibetans inside China. India has let the Tibetans down on many occasions since the late 1940s when the latter sought help and support in making their claims for independence internationally and in 1954 when the Panchsheel agreement was signed with China over the old Tibetan State. India has provided refuge to more than 100,000 Tibetan exiles. But we must not forget that the exiled lamas provide a stability and keep the people in the borderlands pacified in a manner more effective than the Indian military. Tibetans are over-generous with their gratitude to their Indian hosts and are hesitant in reminding India of a small inconvenient truth: until 1951, the disputed border regions were neither Chinese nor Indian but Tibetan. In return, the very least Indians could do is not malign Tibetan religious leaders before they are even proved guilty of their misdemeanor. Is that too much to ask?

Dibyesh Anand is an associate professor of international relations at Westminster University, London and the 
author of Tibet: A Victim of Geopolitics
The views expressed by the author are persona



翻译:Ani Pema Dechen,


原标题:Legal! Illegal?



星期三整个印度庆祝她的独立日,这表示这个国家懂得自由的价值 ,那是用很多沉默的解放运动换来的今天的局面。很多年以前,第17世噶玛巴带着他的传承的责任,冒着生命危险来到印度(世界上最重要的喇嘛之一),政府友善地给与了他可以在印度停留的难民身份,然而他的行动到今天还受限制,即使是拜见达赖喇嘛,还需要审批。这个原因是来自于不明的信息,有人怀疑他跟中国当局还有着某种联系,虽然还没有人能证明那信息是什么和从哪里来。


假如大宝法王住的房间可能你的房间还小,而事实上就是比我们大部分人的还小,那你什么感觉?尤其是对于那些真诚信仰他的弟子们,假如有人事先没有征得他的同意而要供养他土地,那非常正常! 在佛陀时代,须达长着(Anathapindika)就找到一个合适的地方(祗园精舍)供养佛陀,他在地方铺上金币而买地,就是为了提供佛陀演说法教。这是佛教非常美丽的传统,美丽的印度古老传统。


所以,这笔钱就跟用金币供养佛陀没有什么不同,假如那笔钱被声称为非法而被扣留,那么请向全世界证明弟子的非法性,乃至所有的佛教徒们!假如供养是合法的,那么金钱的供养也同样合法;假如供养合法,那么一块表、一本书、一个IPAD、一辆汽车甚至供养一块土地也同样合法(can you say “no” to Steve Jobs?),最主要的是,假如人们不能定义或证明供养是非法的证据,那他们应该看到更深的一个层面,更深一层,他们会看到信仰!一旦他们看到了信仰,那不再是合法或非法的问题,而是信仰!

Legal! Illegal?


If this money offering is illegal, most of Religion institutions have to be careful!

What’s the big deal for such a great and famous Tibetan Buddhism Lama--His Holiness the 17th Gyalwang Karmapa Ogyen Trinley Dorje who recently just back from Bodhgaya where the Kagyu Monlam was held each year, meeting many disciples who came from the worldwide also made offerings to their dearest Guru, to have millions Rupees (not million US dollars!)? Is it a big deal? If it happens in Africa, maybe. But if in America, Japan, Korean, HK or Taiwan, of course not! His Holiness is such a great and worldwide famous Lama in Tibetan Buddhism, many people save their holidays and money of the whole year just for coming here to see Him, sending their respect toward to Him, to attending the Kagyu Monlam in Bodhgaya, India. "Monlam" is an occasion to pray for world peace, and the disciples’ donations are not only for showing their respects to Guru, but also for trusting the activities which HH has done in the past and coming future, for example, HH sponsors the nunnery daily usage, homeless people, schools and traditional Tibetan arts etc.

So it’s not a big deal for having the money after the great Monlam, especially currencies from 25 countries! This also means more than 25 countries’ people have came to India to enhance Indian economy! So, people won’t be surprised about the amount of money. Especially, the money was offered by all the disciples around the world. In Buddhism, you can offer as much as you can, as you want. It’s not about legal or illegal. It’s about faith. If the money is detained by claiming it's illegal therefore someone need to make a proof to all the disciples even all the Buddhists its illegal reason. We hope people from other countries won’t get a bad impression that India may be a country which is “religion terrorism”. As a Buddha’s home country, we truly wish this wouldn’t ruin India’s reputation, especially this beautiful country still trying hard to keep its nice characters and traditions since the Buddha's time.

The whole India celebrated the Independent Day on this Wed. which represents it's a country understands the value of freedom due to many silent revolutions for achieving to the current situation. Many years ago, HH the 17th Karmapa with the expectation to continuing his responsibility of Tibetan Buddhism lineage risked his life to India, afterward the Government of India very kindly gave him (one of the most important Lamas in the world) a refugee status for staying in India. However his action is confined till today, even visiting HH Dalai Lama still need approval. The reason is because of unknown information suspecting him having the connection with China authority. Although no one proves what the "unknown" information is and where it comes from so far.

These 2 days, most of the news reports claimed the money which found is for some "illegal" land deal, the investigation is still in process but this conclusion seems has already came out!

If you know HH Karmapa lives in a room which may be smaller than yours (actually smaller than most of ours), then how will you feel? Especially for those disciples who respect him sincerely. So if someone really wants to donate the land without notifying HH also without a consent from Him, that's normal, in Tibetan Buddhism, that's normal! During the time of Lord Buddha, Anathapindika sought a suitable place for the Buddha's residence, so he covered the golden coins on the Jetavana in order to buy it to provide the Buddha a place to proceed the Buddha’s activities. This was a beautiful tradition, a beautiful tradition in Buddhism, a beautiful tradition from the ancient India.

In ancient time, it was the most auspicious thing to make an offering to the Buddha, same as today! If you have a coin to offer to the Buddha, would you say no? In addition, If you were rich enough to offer a house even a land to the Buddha, you would not hesitate to do so. How can you miss this precious opportunity to gain your merit through offering? People who are not Buddhists maybe curious about it, but it’s faith, there are many examples to prove how faithful people are in other religions. So, how can we deny faith? How can we define offering is illegal? Americans even show their faith in their bills (In God We Trust).

So, this money is no longer different than the golden coins for offering to the Living Buddha! If the money is detained by claiming it's illegal therefore please show the whole world its proof of illegality to all the disciples, all the Buddhists. If offering is legal then the money offering is legal. If offering is legal then a watch, a book, an ipad (can you say “no” to Steve Jobs?) a car, a house even a land offering is legal! Most of all, the key point is if "the people" can't define or show evidences of "offering" illegality then they should go to the deeper part, look deeply, they'll see the FAITH. Once they see "faith" they'll realize it is no longer about legal or illegal but FAITH!







达赖喇嘛表示,度母是观音菩萨的化身,共有 21位救度母,其中以绿度母和白度母最为流行。绿度母在藏传佛教中被认为是最早诞生,也因此被认为是最重要的度母。绿度母的绿色,代表的是一种生命力和成长的希望,更具有一种生生不息的创造力量,它可以把一切阴郁和绝望的因素排除在外。达赖喇嘛说,(录音)如果我们自己不采取任何行动,只等待度母的救度,那显然是一种错误的心态。











