My country "Tibet" a hell on Earth

Monday, January 31, 2011


January 30th, 2011
Jamyoug Norbu

You might not agree with His Holiness the Dalai Lama’s decision to give up the fundamental national goal of Tibetan independence, but you have to admit that whoever was put in charge of branding and marketing this policy did a bang-up job.

Just the name “Middle Way” confers on this “approach” a deeply spiritual aura. It makes its proponents seem moderate, sensible and tolerant, and those opposing it extreme and radical. All this happens reflexively, as a matter of course, sometimes without even the need for any explanation, since Tibetans, and indeed, almost all those who have been raised Buddhist, are conditioned to accept the Middle Way as infallible and perfect. Naming the policy of surrendering Tibetan sovereignty to Communist China the “Middle Way” was a stroke of genius. It was also a deeply dishonest, perhaps even a sacrilegious act.

When the Buddha spoke of the Middle Way he was describing not his goal of achieving Enlightenment but the method he had worked out and ultimately used to achieve that goal. He explained it in the very first teaching he gave after his Enlightenment. In this teaching “Setting in Motion the Wheel of Dharma” Buddha clearly described the Middle Way as a mid- point between extremities; between the extreme of self-mortification (which he had tried for six years) and the other extreme of sensual indulgence (which had been his lifestyle as a prince).

Though His method or “Way” had changed or evolved over time, we should note that the Buddha never compromised on his goal of achieving Enlightenment. That goal was immutable. It could never be changed. The Middle Way was only a method for attaining it. As mentioned before, the Buddha did try other means before deciding on the Middle Way. But once He had decided His commitment was total. Siddharta fixed his resolve on the goal with an unshakable resolution. A beautiful and dramatic verse is attributed to him by some early compilers of the sutras. “Let blood dry up, let flesh wither away, but I shall not stir from this spot till Enlightenment be attained.”

Other great Buddhist figures – Milarepa immediately comes to mind – have demonstrated such uncompromising and single-minded resolve in the pursuit of their spiritual goals. The Dalai Lama was as single-minded about the goal of Tibetan independence when he first arrived in India in 1959. I have offered relevant quotations from His Holiness in previous writings, but in all his early 10th March statements He is very clear that Tibetans should never compromise on the goal of freedom and independence, no matter how long it took and whatever the cost. He was also convinced that we would succeed. “Our way may be a long and hard one…” He said “…but I believe that truth and justice will ultimately prevail.” The only condition that His Holiness set himself and us was that the struggle had to be non-violent.

In 1960 His Holiness wrote the “The Prayer to the Word of Truth” (dentsig monlam) which is recited daily in Tibetan schools and in the prayers of most Tibetans. Tibetans also sing it at every 10th March rally, and in other demonstrations and marches as well. Lonely prisoners in cramped dark prison cells in Tibet may have sung or recited this prayer for strength and solace. They would certainly have been reassured by these two lines:

May the object of my most heartfelt yearning —

(Ring ne nying du nag pey dod pey don
Yong dzog bho jong rang wang tsang may pel)

The Dalai Lama was at the time not only inspired by Gandhi’s philosophy of non-violence, but also, it appears, by the Mahatma’s advice on why we should never compromise on our fundamental beliefs. “All compromise is based on give and take” Gandhi said, “but there can be no give and take on fundamentals. Any compromise on fundamentals is a surrender. For it is all give and no take.”

Mādhyamaka, the philosophical system systemitized by Arya Nagarjuna, is also called the Middle Way. It is a rejection of two extreme views, and therefore represents the “middle way” between eternalism—the view that something has an objective existence (i.e., its existence does not depend on external objects)—and nihilism, or a denial of the existence of something that actually exists.

Whether we support or oppose the present policy of giving up Tibetan sovereignty to Communist China, we all have to accept, at least if we are not irredeemably dishonest or deluded, that it doesn’t have anything to do with Buddha’s Middle Way or Nagarjuna’s philosophy.

But does this policy have a connection, no matter how tenuous, to any other traditional Buddhist idea or practice? The only thing that comes to mind is the popular avadana story of the compassionate prince who gives away everything: his kingdom, his queen his children, thereby displaying the virtue of perfect charity. There are quite a few versions of the story of Prince Visvantara (Skt) or Vessantara (Pali), which is popular in most Buddhist countries, especially South East Asia where it is performed theatrically for the public, as it was done in old Tibet.

In the Tibetan version of the story Prince Drimekundan is the son of the king of Betha, a very wealthy and powerful king. The king possesses a magical wish granting jewel, which is the source of the kingdom’s fabulous wealth and power. From his earliest years the young Prince Drimekundan had given away his possession to the poor, so much so that his compassion was a household word. One day a wicked Brahmin, acting secretly for the king of another kingdom who hated and envied Betha, asks Drimekundan to give him the magic jewel. Drimekundan gives it to him, and of course the kingdom of Betha suffers all sorts of disasters and calamities.

When his father, the old king finds out, Drimekundan is banished into the wilderness with his wife and two children. During the course of the journey he gives away his elephants, then his horses and then his chariot to other Brahmins who ask him for charity. He even gives away his two children and also his wife, the queen, to various beggars who accost him on the way. Finally he meets a blind man who asks him for his eyes which he immediately plucks out and bestows on him. Then after many other trials the Supreme God Indra (literally the deus ex machina in this drama) resolves everything in the most miraculous way. Drimekundan gets back his eyes, his children, his wife and also his kingdom. He even gets the magic jewel back from the wicked king who, naturally, begs for forgiveness.

We never put on this play at the Tibetan Institute of Performing Arts (TIPA) when I was director. In Tibet it was performed by the monks of the Muru monastery and not by the popular Ache Lhamo companies. I was told that it was not a favorite of opera fans as the dialogue verses were chanted in a monotonous recitative and not sung in the musically dramatic namthar style. A year or so after I was removed from TIPA, the Private Office off His Holiness informed TIPA that it should perform the story of Prince Drimekundan. The private Office also arranged for an old monk of Muru monastery to develop the script for the play and also direct the performance. Finally, a special performance was arranged for His Holiness, kashag ministers, officials and members of the Tibetan parliament.

Of course the Drimekundan story must be regarded as a fable or allegory. All avadana and jataka stories are, in a sense, poetic and dramatic metaphors used to illustrate Buddha’s teachings. Many of the stories predate Buddhism and the period and setting of the Drimekundan legend is clearly pre-Buddhist and Vedic. We see this not only in the belief system of the characters and the appearance of the Supreme God Indra, but also in the extreme acts of charity, self-mortification and renunciation, which are conspicuous features of certain Hindu religious practices. In fact a similar legend, Raja Harishchandra, recounted in the Ramayana and Mahabharata, is very popular in the Hindu world. The first full-length feature film (silent) ever made in India was Dadasaheb Phalke’s Raja Harishchardra (1913).

The historical Buddha though renouncing power, wealth and family-life to seek Enlightenment, did not give away his kingdom to its enemies. Nor did he give away his queen and child to passing beggars, nor his eyes to the blind in the hope of divine intercession and salvation. In point of fact Buddha absolutely rejected the idea of divine salvation. But what I think is crucial for all Tibetans to grasp, even appreciate, is that the Buddha never claimed that his teachings could provide solutions to political and national problems.

The Drimekundan story may or may not have inspired or influenced the formulation of the TGIE policy of giving away Tibetan sovereignty to Communist China. But the underlying assumption in the story that extreme acts of piety and renunciation, no matter how absurd or self-destructive, will somehow be divinely rewarded and everything miraculously set right in the end, is too uncomfortably close to the imbecilic claims being made right now as to how the “Middle Way” will not only resolve the Tibet crisis, but China’s spiritual problems as well.

Thursday, January 27, 2011


西藏之声 - 1月27日











传刘晓波已经获释 被秘密转移

发布者:【多维新闻】 - 1月25日





尚宝军律师则认为,美国总统奥巴马(Barack Obama)上周当面要求胡锦涛释放刘晓波,“按当局处事,不大可能立即服从,要给(美方)面子也要过一段时间”。刘晓波的弟弟刘晓暄则称,家人申请探监至今未获当局批准,“如果消息是真,我倒希望是为方便家人探访”。






(苏拉 编辑)















国际声援西藏运动主席玛丽•贝特•马尔凯(Mary Beth Markey)表示,虽然当局认可玉树为“藏族自治”区域,但正考虑对重建的县镇改为中文名字,也不让藏人参与重建项目,这不仅严重违反中共自己制定的《民族区域自治法》,同时在灾区民众间造成进一步的不满,以致陷入更加艰难的处境。


中共当局指出,目前,玉树县撤县建市工作正在积极推进。 玉树撤县建市后,作为玉树州行政、经济和文化中心的结古镇,将发展成为融合康巴文化、三江源生态资源的多元特色旅游区、世界高原旅游的目的地。




Chinese Brutality in the TIBET exposed.

Free Tibet.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Our choice Kalon Tripa


By Choni Tsultrim Gyatso
At dinner table (home)

Thousand years of history
50 years bloody occupation
50 years killing and murdering
50 years filling up prisons of China
50 years of be silence and deaf
Totally, absolutely lived in hell
Hopeless and helpless
Without see outside
Lived in bark,
Suffered so much.
A chance break it
Vote for a talented leadership
Lobsang Sangay is our Choice.

Powers of religion
Forces of Kurdak
Gap of rich and poor
Life; your and my
Totally and forcefully treated
Nothing and not even nothing
Past is example
Without light
Lived in dark
Suffered so much.
A chance to break it
Vote for a new Leadership
Lobsang sangay is our Choice

History gave us chance
Democracy is our light
Middle way is our path
Freedom is our step
Open up your minds.
For the tomorrow’s Freedom
Totally, freely and loudly
With hope and prayer in heart
A chance to make right
Vote for a innovative new leader
Lobsang Sangay is our Choice.

Sunday, January 23, 2011





(北京,一九五一年 五月二十三日 )
















十五、为保证本协议之执行,中央人民政府在西藏设立军政委员会和军区司令部,除中央人民政府派去的人员外,尽量吸收西藏地方人员參加工作。 參加军政委员会的西藏地方人员,得包括西 藏地方政府及各地区、各主要寺庙的爱国分 子,由中央人民政府指定的代表与有关各方 面协商提出名单,报请中央人民政府任命。





















一九五一年 五月二十三日 于北京

Saturday, January 22, 2011


独立评论 - 1月22日
            洪 哲 胜            





◆见到中国公民议论政改,“不要再”把他们判以煽动颠覆国家政 权罪;
◇想到中国公民可能会见外国访华名人时,“不要再”把他们强迫 “招待”于宾馆、酒店;
◇想到中国公民可能会在重大节日自由活动时,“不要再”把他们禁 足在家里,或者流放去山林旅游别墅;
◆对于中国公民当中的政治犯或其家属(例如:刘霞、曾金燕、徐永 海等等,等等),“不要再”派遣片警、公安给予监视、骚扰;




Friday, January 21, 2011

After watched a Tenzin Tethong supporter's video I wrote a comment.


Mid night New York

Some people said very funny things in Video. However it is their rights to vote whoever they think is right. Whatever said in this video also exactly described Dr. Lobsang Sangay too.

So much mantra of Experience soha Experience soha ,Om ah hum Experience soha.........

thanks guys

Kalsang Wandu wrote back to me:

Yes..people are entitled to opinion, but what worries me is the fact that people are getting carried away by sweet talk and rhetorics of change. Experience is in fact very essential as Kalon Tripa has to run the government, and there is no time to learn things and get oneself acquainted with the bolts and nuts of this apex responsibility.
LS is definitely great, but I would love him to do more works in Tibetan community to get to the post of Kalon Tripa.

This is how felt about his comment and My reply to him:

Kalsang la thanks for your comment.

As you said people entitled to say whatever they wanted to say. I agree on that but I disagree you turn around say" Carried away by sweet talk........" You are conflict what you said but it is not big deal.

The big deal is that people keep pulling past to replace present situation to me that is not right thing to do. Nobody can say Tashi Wandu and Lobsang Sangay haven't had an experience or will not have experience. Experience is a process big or small every one has some. I didn't say it isn't essential nevertheless I am not happy there are people pulling past to replace today's politic circumstance to face China. That is not going to happen and it won't work the way we wanted.
You also said "Kalon Tripa has to run the governmental and No time to learn things"
Kalon Tripa is a political leader not a manager, his main responsibility is not run just government but politically on international stages to face china and rest of world to solve Tibet issue. If you think Kalon Tripa is just for run exist exile governmental then you are wrong. If he does so then he is manager but not political Leader.

Another thing you are so worried about" not time to learn things".Can you tell me what time we are about talking here. what is that Lobsang la and Tashi Wandu need to learn and Tethong la already knows about? and You think Kalon Tripa 's responsibility apex? is nut and bolt?

I will have no comment on that but i will never ever million years think that Kalon Tripa job is apex, nuts and bolt.

I really apprecaited that you also think Lobsang la is great but you again turn around say" go work more communities" is that you saying?
"You are great but get hell out of here" this is what exactly you said to Lobsang la in your comment.

Last not least, there is not such thing Empty Kalon TRipa position waiting for some body to take over rather we need to wake up and look around world how other countries open and embrace younger generation.

I am so sorry if you felt that I am attacking you. This is not point, the point is how we all come together share our deep concerns and worries and even suspicious to any one run for the position, make them clear that what we are looking for and at same time make ourselves clear and vote for right one.


Ngawang Tenzin Tehor - " Shambala Yi Bumo " Tibetan Love Song 康巴 西藏

Free Tibet.

Ngawang Tenzin New Song 2010 - " Rinpoche " Kham Tehor Song 康巴 西藏

Free Tibet.

His Holiness elder brother endorses young Kalon Tripa

Free Tibet.

Tibetan song 2011

Free Tibet.

China goes to Nexon

New York Times
By Paul Krugman

With Hu Jintao, China’s president, currently visiting the United States, stories about growing Chinese economic might are everywhere. And those stories are entirely true: although China is still a poor country, it’s growing fast, and given its sheer size it’s well on the way to matching America as an economic superpower.

What’s also true, however, is that China has stumbled into a monetary muddle that’s getting worse with each passing month. Furthermore, the Chinese government’s response to the problem — with policy seemingly paralyzed by deference to special interests, lack of intellectual clarity and a resort to blame games — belies any notion that China’s leaders can be counted on to act decisively and effectively. In fact, the Chinese come off looking like, well, us.

How bad will it get? Warnings from some analysts that China could trigger a global crisis seem overblown. But the fact that people are saying such things is an indication of how out of control the situation looks right now.

The root cause of China’s muddle is its weak-currency policy, which is feeding an artificially large trade surplus. As I’ve emphasized in the past, this policy hurts the rest of the world, increasing unemployment in many other countries, America included.
But a policy can be bad for us without being good for China. In fact, Chinese currency policy is a lose-lose proposition, simultaneously depressing employment here and producing an overheated, inflation-prone economy in China itself.

One way to think about what’s happening is that inflation is the market’s way of undoing currency manipulation. China has been using a weak currency to keep its wages and prices low in dollar terms; market forces have responded by pushing those wages and prices up, eroding that artificial competitive advantage. Some estimates I’ve heard suggest that at current rates of inflation, Chinese undervaluation could be gone in two or three years — not soon enough, but sooner than many expected.

China’s leaders are, however, trying to prevent this outcome, not just to protect exporters’ interest, but because inflation is even more unpopular in China than it is elsewhere. One big reason is that China already in effect exploits its citizens through financial repression (other kinds, too, but that’s not relevant here). Interest rates on bank deposits are limited to just 2.75 percent, which is below the official inflation rate — and it’s widely believed that China’s true inflation rate is substantially higher than its government admits.
Rapidly rising prices, even if matched by wage increases, will make this exploitation much worse. It’s no wonder that the Chinese public is angry about inflation, and that China’s leaders want to stop it.

But for whatever reason — the power of export interests, refusal to do anything that looks like giving in to U.S. demands or sheer inability to think clearly — they’re not willing to deal with the root cause and let their currency rise. Instead, they are trying to control inflation by raising interest rates and restricting credit.

This is destructive from a global point of view: with much of the world economy still depressed, the last thing we need is major players pursuing tight-money policies. More to the point from China’s perspective, however, is that it’s not working. Credit limits are proving hard to enforce and are being further undermined by inflows of hot money from abroad.

With efforts to cool the economy falling short, China has been trying to limit inflation with price controls — a policy that rarely works. In particular, it’s a policy that failed dismally the last time it was tried here, during the Nixon administration. (And, yes, this means that right now China is going to Nixon.)

So what’s left? Well, China has turned to the blame game, accusing the Federal Reserve (wrongly) of creating the problem by printing too much money. But while blaming the Fed may make Chinese leaders feel better, it won’t change U.S. monetary policy, nor will it do anything to tame China’s inflation monster.

Could all of this really turn into a full-fledged crisis? If I didn’t know my economic history, I’d find the idea implausible. After all, the solution to China’s monetary muddle is both simple and obvious: just let the currency rise, already.
But I do know my economic history, which means that I know how often governments refuse, sometimes for many years, to do the obviously right thing — and especially when currency values are concerned. Usually they try to keep their currencies artificially strong rather than artificially weak; but it can be a big mess either way.

So our newest economic superpower may indeed be on its way to some kind of economic crisis, with collateral damage to the world as a whole. Did we need this?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011














发布者:西藏之声 - 1月19日



来自中国湖南的网民@gangeswater 向达赖喇嘛尊者问道:我们知道,在上一次达赖喇嘛转世中,中华民国政府作为中央政府参与了认定和坐床仪式,那么尊者您认同现在台湾的中华民国政府吗,您认为台湾政府可以在活佛转世制度中再次发挥相应的作用吗?















奥胡记者会现场 胡锦涛罕见答记者人权问题

美国之音 2011-01-19




美国官员说,在他们的坚持下,胡锦涛同意在访问华盛顿期间参加这个公开的媒体活动。这次记者招待会共允许记者提出4个问题,其中两个问题由中国记者提出,两个由美国记者提出。通常情况下,这位中国领导人的公开声明是事先准备好的。胡锦涛此前曾公开接受过记者提问,其中包括2005年在北京与奥巴马总统的前任乔治 W.布什共同举行的记者招待会。但是,奥巴马2009年访华时,他拒绝这样做。当时,两位领导人共同面对记者时,只是宣布了事先准备好的声明。








发布者:藏人文化网博客 - 1月19日
















西藏之声 - 1月19日






Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Only if you are in my position you know how hard it is.

Choni Tsultrim Gyatso


We are about to vote, a leader we need for tomorrow.
hope brings some good changes but it is unfortunate,
Long time friends are changing, right before my eyes,
Praise candidates their choice but I am in the corner myself.
Millions phones calls cut into once month, lies to me they are busy.
They hang around together in groups support their candidates,
The language and conversation…it isn’t on the stage of normality.

Directionless men and women rolled up in their political wind.
Biased behavior and tricky dinners worst than drug and alcohol.
Closest friends are now become ghosts to me in jungle.
Rejection and separation is like recite mantra before kill the sheep.
I don’t want be lonely but I have my own choice to vote.
Democracy is rights and I have rights to choose who is right for me.

I’ve watched and read and listened enough
People have told me that I am in fault dream
Many more have given up cos so much to handle
But democracy and freedom is in our hands
I chose to stay on my rights even though you spit on me.
I can handle including your yelling and screaming on me

So many honest, truthful debates, discussions and posts.
Hateful arrows of criticism penetrates my heart and soul..
If only I could make a tiny contribution, what could I do or say?
I would stay online and try my best each and everyday.
There is one thing I’d like to say to all my friends out there.
I’m still your friends but I have rights to choose who I want.

Only If you are in my position you know, how hard it is.
It is my choice I will stay on that
It is my right choice
I will never give it up

Only if you in my position…..




As Kalon
Tripa debate is heated up in Tibetan communities around world as a Tibetan I am not different. Sometimes even in my office during lunch break few of Tibetans come together and heated up with different opinion on candidates' way of handle questions and their political views. After listen carefully to all the debates and read a lot about all the candidates and rechecked some of realities that we face at 21st century what is that we really need as political refugees and more importantly inside Tibet. l made my decision and I wanted to share with all of you.

I truly respect other two candidates Tashi Wangdu and Tenzin Tethong for their priceless services in exile government and contributions to the Tibetan communities. However, we can't keep them forever. When time comes changes needs to happens and I think time is now to pass load on to younger generation's shoulders while H.H alive.

I really don't understand why people still so scare to pass on the political power to next generation. I remember while I was newly came to Dharamsala people talked a lot about first directly pointed Kalon Tripa and think that H.H will become powerless if Kalon Tripa hold all the power.
Second time worry was about directly voted Kalon Tripa by the people and now is third time scaring to pass power on to next generation. Another word don't want give up power and hold forever. I just don't understand why people so scare about and keep vote people who already got chance. why we want repeat history again?

If we want change then this is time. We don't have to wait for another few years. Time is running out. We have the power to change, so please be aware what is going on in Tibet and who is right one to vote on to face China. We have seen already Lobsang Sangay's political talent and reconnection with Chinese scholars and leaders. Let be clear to reduce people's suffering in Tibet and ultimately free Tibet is only through Decalogue, reconnection and reconciliation with Chinese people and China's leaders based on H.H middle way of approach. Lobsang Sangay has shown us his capability and natural talent on that.

There are people working around clock to support other candidates. I mean that is nothing wrong but sad thing is attentionally created fault rumor about Dr.Lobsang Sangay's green book, marriage, designation at Harvard, his political view and there are also people saying that he is not majored Doctorate in Juridical Sciences.

All these baseless rumors being cleared. We all know he is perfectly fit on Kalon Tripa position. As we now know that he is specialized on international law, Human rights, democracy and conflict resolution and more importantly he is expert on Sino-Tibetan relations. These are the very critical qualifications to solve Tibet issue on international stage.

I mean I think there might be some sore of partiality going on without think about our future and changeability we need on political leadership. This is very sad thing as I said and obviously I can't stop people vote whoever they wanted to vote on but one thing I have to tell all friends out there you will be huge disappoint and regret if nothing happens vote people already got chance to shine in the past 30 years.

Thus, I highly recommend all dear friends now is time to move on and vote for Lobsang Sangay la. He is a total package that we are looking for.

I am so excited that this is going to be a new chapter in Tibetan history to prove the world that we Tibetans are not theoretical or serfdom society rather than a legitimate democratic society. And this will also answers all the questions that China’s propagandas.

Lobsang Sangay has said “ Kalon Tripa is a political leader not a manager”. his statement penetrated my heart and let me realized what political leader is all about. There are so many managers (Kalons) in every department why would Kalon Tripa worry too much about manage internal tasks rather than push political issue to the international stages.

Some people think that Lobsang Sangay la lack of experience but when I asked people very detail about what experiences they are talking about. They really have no answer at last. We have so many examples in front of us Obama only two years in political now be able to leader United States. Look back some of Kalon Tripa and Kalons in the past. Who had ultimate 21st century political education? Who attained Harvard law school ? Who had political experience ? Some of Kalons barely be able to read whatever is on paper without paper whole world is blacked out.

One time Samdoung Rinpochen said "there are Kalons and Chethu need to do homework on Tibetan if they have to give speech next day." Kalon Tripa is somebody has expressive talent not every single word on paper everyday to face public.

Kalons in the past learnt some years Buddhist philosophy in monastery and regular college degree, nobody has been expert on international law, politic, democracy, human rights and conflict resolution.

Therefore now we have right candidate and it is right time to move on the next Chapter.


After watch a video people's endorsement for Tethong Tenzin la

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Choni Tsultrim Gyatso

Dear brother and sisters

Our Kalon Tripa's election is only two months away and this is one of the most exciting thing ever and I am so over welmely pleased that everyone take a part of this priceless process of debates, discussion and vote. This is also a historical event and this is time for all of us to take democratic responsibility voluntarily once again for the final vote day on the corner and choose your favorite candidate and shape our future.

But the sad thing is there are still so many of us confused or misunderstood some candidates based on some baseless rumors. I have been closely watching all the video endorsements, debates and even promises all the candidate made to public through speeches and writings.

I want to share some of my thoughts bases what we are looking for and what is that we really need to focus on. We need a somebody fresh minded, someone knows international law and be able to push Sino-Tibet issue once again on international politic stages and seeking more support and reduce pains and fears that people are going through everyday in Tibet. Somebody has courage, strength and believe to lead us to next stage(Free Tibet).Somebody is capable of connect with Chinese leadership and scholars and even students and public in large based on H.H’s middle way of approach to continues dialogue on human rights and release all the political prisoners in near future. Specifically somebody who really knows international law and expert on China.

I heard some people say "I don't care who got vote" after participation of two full hours debates. I know we all care and we have to. If we don't then who does? This is our future and we have to make choice and pick up your candidate and vote.

Who is right one or who is timely right candidate? This is a huge question to all of us but now we heard enough and we watched enough and this is a moment to make your mind. So that we don't have to go through somebody else influence on the day to vote.

I know all of you did your home work and preparation but please be mindful and don't let somebody else's video and dinner or even friendship illegally taking away your rights through using any means, force, threat or violence etc.

I know there are some people say MY parents said to vote this or that Or my husband told me to vote such and such. This is really sad if this is really happening in your life. You have to be the one and value yourself and to be the actual voter there not for somebody else.

I watched a video endorsement today on FACEBOOK people kept saying Tenzin Tethong la has experiences on government in the past. What experiences specifically we are talking about? Everyone had or having experiences including myself. There were good and bad experiences both for everyone, we can’t point out someone has no experience at all. Let talk about Tashi Wangdu. Does he has experiences ? You tell me…( people in video). Dr Lobsang Sangay also has experience his own, not just in Tibetan communities but so many universities and educational institutions and many politic stages around world invite him and listen what he had to say. Do we count them as experiences?

People said Video Tethoung la is the only one qualified for Kalon Tripa and nobody else. Are you sure? Only one? No No NObody is perfect. ONly one?????? That is why I don't believe someone says" he is the only one and nobody else" or "he is the perfect one." Why don't we point out some of the limitations of him so that we can evaluate all the candidates instant of praise one particular one. I think this endorsement “onlyONe” make voter run away. Who believes only one? This is not even a laughable joke to me. We have used "ONLY ONE or PREFECT ONE" for Samdhoung Rinpochen and now again use this Phrase for Tethong la. To be honest this makes all of us little stupid and narrow minded. Only One!!!!!
There are more than hundreds people have same qualifications and experiences on politic, social, religions, economy and administration and international law. Not only one and Him, some cases are even better. For million years I swear Buddha & Dharma don’t use same phrase again and again because we need grow ,open and embrace new energy and fresh innovative leadership to catch up with rest world on politic and economy to improve people life in India and in Tibet.

One thing I want to be clear here to all the reader I am absolutely not against anything to Tethoung la. I even though I don’t know him in person but I read about him and he did such great job as a Tibetan I really appreciated from bottom of my heart but I am so over whelm ling disagree his supporters exaggeration on his qualification and repeat same thing for hundred times.

Tashi Wangdu and Lobsang Sangay's supporters also have same thing or even more qualifications to sing. Sometime they sing better even. What about those? Do we vote who sings better. We have to be honest and truthful and watch things little from farsighted, don't jump into somebody else hallucinative perception and imagination.

Look back some of valuable direction speeches that H.H have given to us. It is not just politically parceled everything in one but rather more open and embrace fresh and new generation's leadership in 21 century.

Please don't take this too personal, this is just my though and how I see things around me and for our future.


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Recall life in exile after read 达兰萨拉的电话亭:QQ“哭哭

Hello Woeser la

Thanks for post this article. It really led me back to 20 years ago when I first came to India as refugee without any body's support and direction. Unfortunately, beside Chinese and Nepalese mistreatments, we ( 24 of us) went through another unexpected deceitful treats from few Tibetan women they were born in exile on Nepal boarder way to India to see H.H Dalai Lama. I will never ever forget this and we came to Dharamsala and we reported to Tibetan reception but who cares our feelings.

From Kathmandu to India our bus was stopped 5 times, Every single check points want money because there were so much over load products that these women bought from Kathmandu to do business in India. Every time police stopped bus they came to us collect 200Rp to 300Rp money because we don't speak anything. On last check point we refused to pay ( actually we don't have money) they kept us for two days and one night at same spot without food and drink.

They have money eat and drink but separated us and treated us like nothing.

Finally, we met a Tibetan name Lodga ( he came to exile 5 years before us and he also learnt some English in Suja school in India, and he was way to Nepal). He asked police why they kept us. that is why we found out reason they stopped the bus.

Polices thought those products were belong to us because these women asked us to help them to hold their products in bus because most of them are Chinese thermometry , shoes and Jean and knives.

At that point we were so pissed out and angry and we threw everything out of bus and gave to police and Lodga helped us told truth to police.

These women have no choice and finally pay some money to police ( we don't know how much) and they let us go.

That was such unwelcoming experience we have gone through from Tibetans born in India and grew up with education "others before oneself".

Disappointed and sad and that experience told me " don't trust people born in India".

Unfortunately and coincidently I actually met one of woman on a birthday party in my Friend house New Jersey. She was shameful and she couldn't look at me. I wrote about my experience to met her on birthday party.(Jamyoung Norbu's blog few months ago as comment on new comer see detail there)

I really felt in my heart how much new comers are going through without family and true friends around to relay on. this is just an experience of phone call and there thousands of ups and down in dairy life. who should they ask for help? who should they trust?
much more......









Dr. Lobsang Sangay is a Research Associate at Harvard Law School.

EDUCATION: He attended the Central School for Tibetans (CST) in Sonada and Darjeeling and completed his B.A. (Honors) in English Literature (1988-1991) and his Bachelor in Law (LLB 1991-1994), from Delhi University.

In 1995, Dr. Sangay was selected as a Fulbright Scholar and obtained his Masters degree at Harvard Law School. His thesis was on Buddhism and Human Rights. In the summer of 1996, he received a fellowship from the International Commission of Jurists in Geneva, Switzerland and helped research the report Tibet: Human Rights and Rule of Law, which was published in 1997. In 1996, he received a prestigious Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Pacific Basin Research Center and wrote a chapter on the Tibetan Educational System for a book titled Human Rights and Human Values in Asia-Pacific Region.

In 1997, Tibet Fund and the Fulbright Program supported his pursuit for Ph.D. degree and Harvard Law School provided scholarship. In 2004, he earned his Doctorate in Law from Harvard Law School, becoming the first Tibetan to receive this degree. His Doctorate dissertation, titled Democracy and History of the Tibetan Government-in-Exile from 1959-2004 was awarded the Yong K. Kim' 95 Prize for excellence.

In 2004, he informed the Education Department about completion of his doctorate degree, ongoing projects and sought guidance. On 17-6-2005, the Sherig Lekhung responded by recognizing his academic work as equivalent to the community service, thereby waiving his bond. The Fulbright Program strongly supported the decision and on 13-2-2007, the US State Department granted him a visa waiver. Harvard Law School appointed him as a Fellow and promoted to Senior Fellow in 2008. He still carries his IC (Identity Certificate).

ACTIVISM: Dr. Sangay served as the Vice-President, Gen. Secretary and President of the Regional Tibetan Youth Congress in Delhi from 1988-91. One of the highlights as an activist was serving more than a week in Tihar Jail in Delhi for disruptive protests in front of the Chinese Embassy demanding for explanation surrounding the unexpected passing away of the Panchen Lama. Also along with four colleagues of RTYC, he confronted agents of the Mongolian and Tibetan Affairs Commission of the Republic of China (Taiwan) and handed over the seized documents to the Tibetan Government in Exile. In 1992, the General Body Meeting elected him as the youngest executive member of the Central Executive of the Tibetan Youth Congress where he served in the capacity of Information Secretary (CENTREX). From 1995-97, he participated in conferences at Harvard, Oberlin and Brown University in launching the Students for a Free Tibet. In 1997, Dr. Sangay along with local Tibetans and 24 activist groups coalition organized the largest protest since Vietnam era against the Chinese president Jiang Zemin during his visit to Harvard University.

He received a Diploma in Environmental Law from the World Wide Fund and also a Diploma from the Fletcher Summer Institute for the Advanced Study of Non-Violent Conflict.

CHINESE OUTREACH: In the last fifteen years, he has interacted, discussed and debated various aspects of Tibet from historical status, occupation, to the present colonialism, His Holiness advocacy of Middle Way and diverse views within the society with numerous Chinese scholars from top universities in China. He is well versed in contemporary Chinese politics and legal issues. In an effort to promote Track II Diplomacy, Dr. Sangay has organized seven major conferences among Chinese, Tibetan, Indian and Western scholars, on contemporary Tibet. He organized two unprecedented meetings between HH the Dalai Lama and Chinese scholars: in 2003 where 35 Chinese scholars participated, and another in May 2009 when His Holiness met with more than hundred scholars from China at Harvard University. Dr. Sangay trains Tibetan youth and students on effective interaction with Chinese students/people.

INTERNATIONAL OUTREACH: In 2007, he was selected as one of the twenty-four Young Leaders of Asia by the Asia Society, the New York-based global organization promoting understanding between North America and Asia. In recent years, Dr. Sangay has participated in Young Asian Leaders Summit in South Korea; Singapore; Japan; Thailand, Malaysia, and India.

He was given a Leadership Award by Regional New England Amnesty International, Peace and Justice Award by the Peace Commission of City of Cambridge, and is an Advisory Board member of the Asian American Civic Association. He is a regular participant of the World Justice Forum where top legal experts, judges and officials from around the world congregate in Vienna, Austria.

In April 2008, he testified as an expert before the US Senate Foreign Relations Sub-committee on East Asia and Pacific Affairs, along with the United States Deputy Secretary of State John Negroponte, Special Envoy of the Dalai Lama Lodi Gyari, and Actor Richard Gere. The Washington DC-based think tank Woodrow Wilson Center organized an event where Dr. Sangay debriefed Congressional staff members on the issue of Tibet.

As an expert on Tibet, international human rights law, democratic constitutionalism, and conflict resolution, Dr. Sangay has given lectures on Sino-Tibet issues in various universities, think tanks and other public forums in Europe, Asia and North America such as Ecole des Hautes Etudes En Sciences Sociales in Paris, University of Westminster, London, University of Deakin, Melbourne, University of Madrid, IIT Madras, Taiwan University, Peking University, Carter Center, Woodrow Wilson Center, Stanford University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and many other institutes in the US.

He has been consulted by the news media, including The New York Times, The London Times, The Wall Street Journal, BBC, Newsweek, TIME Magazine, Washington Post, USA Today, the Boston Globe, Harvard Crimson, among others. His articles about Tibet have been published in the Harvard Asia Quarterly, Journal of Democracy, East Asia and International Law and chapters in several books.

TIBETAN OUTREACH: Dr. Sangay continues to interact with Tibetan students and scholars from Tibet in the US. He helped his late uncle with a project to plant 400,000 fruit and income generating trees (Walnut, Apple, Peach) in a deforested area of Tibet. Also helped train a dozen Tibetan medicine doctors for villages in Tibet.

Dr. Sangay coordinated two visits by His Holiness the Dalai Lama in New England area (2003 & 2009). He is an editorial consultant for Radio Free Asia and continues his popular weekly radio program on Democracy and Rule of Law, for the past thirteen years. He authored a book on Introduction to Human Rights in Tibetan language.

In completing his Ph.D dissertation, for seven years he spent long hours interviewing and compiling testimonies of around 100 Tibetans, including Kundeling Kunho, Kunho Tara, Sandhutsang Rinchen, Lobsang Thargay, many chitues, activists and not to mention Samdhong Rinpoche and His Holiness the Dalai Lama. His doctorate dissertation covered 45 years of exile history including an evolution of duality of Tibetan movement on the one hand and democratic initiatives on the other, parliamentary process, election mechanism, constitutional drafting, secularism and non-sectarianism, and formation of NGOs like the Tibetan Youth Congress and Tibetan Women Association. He has published and given numerous talks on these issues around the world.

He regularly visits Dharamsala, and interacts with Tibetan officials at every level. He is consulted by and has given numerous workshops and lectures over the years to the Tibetan government officials, the Parliamentarian Conclave (Chitue), members of Tibetan Youth Congress, Tibetan Womens Association, students, activists and various other institutions in Dharamsala and beyond. Before and since coming to the US, he has visited more than three dozen Shichaks, schools and monasteries. He also gives lectures and workshops for Tibetan organizations around the world to create awareness about Tibet and encourage younger generation to commit to education. Dr. Sangay also coordinates a Tibetan Nutrition Project helping dozen CST schools in India under the supervision of the Department of Education, Dharamsala.

He continues to engage with Indian scholars, officials and friends from India.

PERSONAL: Dr. Lobsang Sangay was born in a village in Darjeeling in 1968 with a typical Shichak background amidst fields, cows, chicken, fetching wood in the forest and helping his parent's small business including winter sweater selling. Presently, he lives in greater Boston area in the US. His mother Kelsang Choden from Chamdo lives with him and his father passed way in 2004. He is married to Kesang Yangdon Shakchang, whose parents were from Lhokha and Phare. They have been together for 13 years and have a three-year-old daughter.

Dr. Lobsang Sangay speaks Tibetan, English, Hindi, Nepali and rudimentary Pema Koepa and some Chinese. When not working tirelessly for Tibet, he can be seen frequenting gyms, swimming, and reading.

President Barack Obama

Barack H. Obama is the 44th President of the United States.

His story is the American story — values from the heartland, a middle-class upbringing in a strong family, hard work and education as the means of getting ahead, and the conviction that a life so blessed should be lived in service to others.

With a father from Kenya and a mother from Kansas, President Obama was born in Hawaii on August 4, 1961. He was raised with help from his grandfather, who served in Patton's army, and his grandmother, who worked her way up from the secretarial pool to middle management at a bank.

After working his way through college with the help of scholarships and student loans, President Obama moved to Chicago, where he worked with a group of churches to help rebuild communities devastated by the closure of local steel plants.

He went on to attend law school, where he became the first African—American president of the Harvard Law Review. Upon graduation, he returned to Chicago to help lead a voter registration drive, teach constitutional law at the University of Chicago, and remain active in his community.

President Obama's years of public service are based around his unwavering belief in the ability to unite people around a politics of purpose. In the Illinois State Senate, he passed the first major ethics reform in 25 years, cut taxes for working families, and expanded health care for children and their parents. As a United States Senator, he reached across the aisle to pass groundbreaking lobbying reform, lock up the world's most dangerous weapons, and bring transparency to government by putting federal spending online.

He was elected the 44th President of the United States on November 4, 2008, and sworn in on January 20, 2009. He and his wife, Michelle, are the proud parents of two daughters, Malia, 12, and Sasha, 9.

01-14-11 ཀུན་གླེང་། Kunleng

Free Tibet.

Thursday, January 13, 2011




其中一个叫lotusseedYang 的中国网民向尊者提出:你怎样看待阿沛•阿旺晋美这个人?他曾经是你派去与中共商谈的代表,并签署了《十七条协议》。虽然没有得到你的授权,但你事后也予以承认。阿沛•阿旺晋美此后却似乎一直站在你的对立面,成了中共在西藏问题上的代言人。



达赖喇嘛表示,1989年,阿沛在拉萨召开的西藏自治区人大会议上公开表示,关于达赖喇嘛认证、坐床等是当时的国民党南京政府主导之说,纯属编造,不是事实。事实上,达赖喇嘛的转世认定是依照宗教仪轨和西藏摄政王的决定,坐床典礼没有所谓的主持,这些都是当时的国民党政府所编造。 尊者说,正如阿沛所言,虽然坐床典礼时我的年纪很小,但记得清楚,当时参加典礼的贵宾有英国代表、中国代表、尼泊尔代表和不丹代表,他们平排而座。阿沛对这些事实作了清晰、公正的表述。



达赖喇嘛表示,的确,流亡藏人社会是有不同的声音,比如西藏青年会,他们的立场是争取西藏独立,他们批评我的“中间道路”政策。有一次,我和青年会的几位负责人见面,我 跟他们讲,如果按照中国中央政府的愿望,我应该把你们抓起来关押才对,然而我们是在自由、民主的社会,我不能也不会这样做,因为这是言论自由的范围。


自由亚洲藏语专题 - 1月13日



我 想这篇汉文报道的用意,是让更多的汉人知道这一点——要么彻底地站到藏人一边,要么就是不受藏人欢迎的人。我在达兰萨拉的索葛尔成人学校与学生见面时,一 位学生也这样质问我——为什么我和曹长青不一样?曹长青是一位生活在美国的汉人知识分子,他态度明确地支持西藏独立。在那位学生心目中,我没有站出来支持 西藏独立,就不值得信任。


这 种思维和中国当局的思维十分想像。中国当局对我也是这样——只要不是全盘服从,敢于发出异议,就会被当作敌人打压。专制政权这样做,我一点不奇怪,可是同 样的思维放到了达兰萨拉,却被一些人解释为是民主表现,就是荒谬了。那种非白即黑,非友即敌,不是你死就是我活的斗争哲学和敌对思维,与毛泽东时代的阶级 斗争其实是一脉相承的。

有些人这样劝解那些对我不满的人:不能怪王力雄为汉人说话,我们要藏人的尊严,他作为汉人难道不要汉人的尊严?然而,我并非是为了汉人的尊严才这样做。如果 放宽眼量,转换一下视角,为什么非得是伤害两边的“双刃刀”,而不能是让两边同时得利的“双赢”呢?非常明显的是,中国人并非全都是菩萨,大部分中国人不 会为利益他人而牺牲自己。要推动中国方面解决西藏问题,更有效的方式不是去强调西藏人的权利,而是向中国人证明解决问题对中国有好处。要想解决问题,必须 让各方面都能从中得到好处,问题才会真正解决。因此可以说,只有双赢才是真赢。

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Poem from my heart


Choni Tsultrim Gyatso
Mid night New Jersey Home:

Close eyes on pillow
Met lost family in dream
Tears flooded my pillow
Ask Buddhas to help
A song burst in my heart.

So many years past 
So many the years will go 
but, the memory of homeland
will move on in my soul
She will not be forgotten

50 years illegal occupation
50 years’ bloody history
50 years sufferings and pains
50 years homeless outside
All will not be forgotten

Yesterday ‘s death
And today’s suffering
Tomorrow’s hope
All up to our generation’s choice
Don’t forget vote for Lobsang Sangay.

Monday, January 10, 2011


西藏之声 - 1月11日







西藏之声 - 1月11日









发布者:达赖喇嘛官方网 - 1月11日







特别是2008年的西藏事件发生之后,有更多的中国人关注我们,在过去两三年里,我在不同的地方至少与三百多名中国知识分子会面交流。所以,汉藏民众之 间、汉藏知识分子之间的相互接触和交流是非常重要的,也有很大裨益。当然,开始见面时,也有人表情不那么和睦,然而透过多次交谈,相互了解之后,会变成好 朋友。

今天,我们透过网络视讯相互提问、交流,这样的互动有很大的意义。我平常与华人和西方人谈话时,会提到一个观点,那就是中国的制度需要透明化,这是非常重 要的。就西藏问题而言,如果社会机制和决策机制等完全透明,我们的困境就能迎刃而解。我们寻求的是一个互利双赢的局面,从未有过我胜他败的想法。














的确,流亡藏人社会是有不同的声音,比如西藏青年会,他们的立场是争取西藏独立,他们批评我的“中间道路”政策。有一次,我和青年会的几位负责人见面,我 跟他们讲,如果按照中国中央政府的愿望,我应该把你们抓起来关押才对,然而我们是在自由、民主的社会,我不能也不会这样做,因为这是言论自由的范 围。[续]

Let's move on to the next Chapter

Choni Tsultrim Gyatso


As Kalon Tripa debate is heated up in Tibetan communities around world as a Tibetan I am not different. Sometimes even in my office during lunch break few of Tibetans come together and heated up with different opinion on candidates' way of handle questions and their political views. After listen carefully to all the debates and read a lot about all the candidates and rechecked some of realities that we face at 21st century what is that we really need as political refugees and more importantly inside Tibet. l made my decision and I wanted to share with all of you.

I truly respect other two candidates Tashi Wangdu and Tenzin Tethong for their priceless services in exile government and contributions to the Tibetan communities. However,we can't keep them forever. When time comes chnages needs to happens and I think time is now to pass load on to younger generation's shoulders while H.H alive.

I really don't understand why people still so scare to pass on the political power to next generation. I remember while I was newly came to Dharamsala people talked a lot about first directly pointed Kalon Tripa and think that H.H will become powerless if Kalon Tripa hold all the power.
Second time worry was about directly voted Kalon Tripa by the people and now is third time scaring to pass power on to next generation. Another word don't want give up power and hold forever.I just don't understand why people so scare about and keep vote people who already got chance. why we want repeat history again?

If we want change then this is time. We don't have to wait for another few years. Time is running out. We have the power to change,so please be aware what is going on in Tibet and who is right one to vote on to face China. We have seen already Lobsang Sangay's political talent and reconnection with Chinese scholars and leaders. Let be clear to reduce people's suffering in Tibet and ultimately free Tibet is only through Decalogue, reconnection and reconciliation with Chinese people and China's leaders based on H.H middle way of approach. Lobsang Sangay has shown us his capability and natural talent on that.

There are people working around clock to support other candidates.I mean that is nothing wrong but sad thing is attentionally created fault rumor about Dr.Lobsang Sangay's green book, marriage, designation at Harvard, his political view and there are also people saying that he is not majored Doctorate in Juridical Sciences.

All these baseless rumors being cleared. We all know he is perfectly fit on Kalon Tripa position. As we now know that he is specialized on international law, Human rights, democracy and conflict resolution and more importantly he is expert on Sino-Tibetan relations. These are the very critical qualifications to solve Tibet issue on international stage.

I mean I think there might be some sore of partiality going on without think about our future and changeability we need on political leadership.This is very sad thing as I said and obviously I can't stop people vote whoever they wanted to vote on but one thing I have to tell all friends out there you will be huge disappoint and regret if nothing happens vote people already got chance to shine in the past 30 years.

Thus, I highly recommend all dear friends now is time to move on and vote for Lobsang Sangay la. He is a total package that we are looking for.

I am so excited that this is going to be a new chapter in Tibetan history to prove the world that we Tibetans are not theoretical or serfdom society rather than a legitimate democratic society. And this will also answers all the questions that China’s propagandas.

Lobsang Sangay has said “ Kalon Tripa is a political leader not a manager”. his statement penetrated my heart and let me realized what political leader is all about. There are so many managers (Kalons) in every department why would Kalon Tripa worry too much about manage internal tasks rather than push political issue to the international stages.

Some people think that Lobsang Sangay la lack of experience but when I asked people very detail about what experiences they are talking about. They really have no answer at last. We have so many examples in front of us Obama only two years in political now be able to leader United States. Look back some of Kalon Tripa and Kalons in the past. Who had ultimate 21st century political education? Who attained Harvard law school ? Who had political experience ? Some of Kalons barely be able to read whatever is on paper without paper whole world is blacked out.

One time Samdoung Rinpochen said "there are Kalons and Chethu need to do homework on Tibetan if they have to give speech next day." Kalon Tripa is somebody has expressive talent not every single word on paper everyday to face public.

Kalons in the past learnt some years Buddhist philosophy in monastery and regular college degree, nobody has been expert on international law, politic, democracy, human rights and conflict resolution.

Therefore now we have right candidate and it is right time to move on the next Chapter.


Choni Tsultrim

Geyshey Thupten Jinpa endorses Tenzin Tethong NEW

Lobsang Sangay la also will be able to do all the all things you just talked about. Specially he is very smart and he is born to be leader and he has been highly educated on politics and specific Asian. Therefore, now is time to pass load on to younger generation while H.H is alive and be able to watch over.

I am not saying that MrTethong la is not capable but he got chance already and we all know what happened while he was Kalon. People still talking about these days.

There are people always saying Lobsang Sangay has no experience but look at Obama. he barely has two years experience in politic and now he be able to lead world's most powerful nation.

As Lobsang Sangay la said "Kalon Tripa is a Political leader not a manager" there are so many experienced managers under Kalon Tripa in every department. Kalon Tripa is someone who has power, Strength, confident, ability, judgment, out spoke and most important 21st century education and capable of connecting Tibetan issue with Chinese scholars and leaders.

I think Lobsang Sangay have done some of these things through personal level and I think now is time give him some power and support and let him explore more.

Sunday, January 9, 2011


西藏之声 - 1月7日



边巴次仁议长说,(录音) 西藏人民议会认为达赖喇嘛计划退休是一个高瞻远瞩的伟大决定,但是目前西藏问题没有得到解决,西藏的宗教文化和环境等各方面都面临困难的这一危难时刻,达赖喇嘛退休是不合时机,因此,西藏人民议会理事会委员一致做出决定呈交这一信函。





发布者:西藏之声 - 1月8日











唯色拉 您好,这首诗是我在藏人文化网,博客热评日志里看到的。这首诗是塔尔寺僧人诚烈嘉措写的。

























Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dr. Lobsang Sangay on Situation in Tibet - Senate Foreign Relations Subc...

Free Tibet.





当记者问及两位中国国内的知名维权律师参与这次视频对话有何异议,以及他俩对这种对话给予怎样的态度时,达赖喇嘛办公室秘书长才嘉介绍说,(录音) “这两位律师,不仅仅是一个律师,他代表的是中国的公共知识分子,他们可以代表中国公共知识分子的意见,因为这两位都是中国非常知名的人权律师,腾彪曾经参加过年「公盟」的有关西藏的3.14社会调查的报告,两位都曾签署支持中国知识分子《关于处理西藏局势的十二点意见》,两位在2008年西藏三区发生大规模抗议事件之后,同时发起中国律师愿意为藏人担任辩护律师的公开信函,所以他们不仅仅是中国的公共知识分子、中国的人权律师,他们在工作当中,也跟西藏的人权,西藏的这些事件是有因缘的,他们参与了这些活动,所以我觉得,他们能够参加这次视频对话,意义是很大的。”



中国知名维权律师滕彪向达赖喇嘛尊者提出的问题是:汉藏民众之间、汉藏知识分子之间的相互交流和理解对西藏问题的和平解决是非常重要的,您是否愿意促进、如何促进这种交流和理解? 您认为阻碍这种交流和理解最大的因素是什么?

北京的维权律师江天勇向达赖喇嘛提出的问题是:维基解密最新公开的美国外交电文,说到您曾对美国驻印度大使表示,“冰川溶化,森林消失以及采矿导致水源污染,这些问题不能再等了,但是在政治问题上,藏人可以再等5到10年。”这是否属实? 如果属实,是否意味您在战略上有调整? 具体是怎么考虑的?

达赖喇嘛办公室方面将对这次视频对话内容进行整理校订后,通过达赖喇嘛的中文推特 @DalaiLamaCN逐一发布。

据了解,滕彪,1973年生于吉林,1991-2002年就读于北京大学,获法学博士学位。中国政法大学法学院教师、人权律师。2003年参与创办民间机构“公盟法律研究中心”,任研究员,2010年创办关注死刑和酷刑问题的北京兴善研究所,任所长。曾为耶鲁大学法学院访问学者(2007)。 2008年314事件后作为发起人联络部分律师发布《我们愿为藏民提供法律援助的公开信》,并因此被吊销律师执照。2008年联署中国部分知识分子《关于处理西藏局势的十二点意见》。2008年公盟发布《藏区3.14事件社会、经济成因调查报告》。2010年参与发起《释放维吾尔记者海莱特•尼亚孜的呼吁书》。2008年后,直接或间接参与若干被控“煽动分裂国家罪”的藏民的案件。近年参与的人权案件和公益案件范围包括:言论自由,信仰自由,酷刑,死刑,计划生育权,财产权等。为08宪章首批签署者。获格雷兹曼基金会社会成就奖(2003年)、法兰西共和国人权奖(2007年)、美国民主基金会民主奖(2008年)、人权观察赫尔曼/哈米特奖(2010年)等。





现居住在印度北部达兰萨拉的一位不愿透露姓名的知情人士向本台介绍说,中共公安人员于2010年10月3日强行拘捕了西藏那曲地区比如县现年29岁的藏人其米扎西, 并对他判处两年徒刑,监禁在拉萨堆隆德庆县一座监狱中。







明报 2011-01-06


  联合国粮农组织的全球粮食价格指数过去半年上涨32%,上月更升至214.7点,超越2007至08年粮食危机水平。粮食价格指数由小麦、玉米、大米、植物油、乳製品、糖及肉类等55种农产品批发价格构成。粮农组织指出,糖价近期升上30年高位,以及油籽和肉类大幅涨价,令粮食价格指数突破2008年6 月所创的213.5点历史高位。在拉尼娜现象引发全球气候异常下,多个农作物出口国收成都受恶劣天气影响,市场预料今年粮价将持续高企。

  粮农组织驻罗马高级经济学家阿巴斯安(Abdolreza Abbassian)表示,粮食价格暴涨「令人忧虑」。他表示,当前情未如2007至08年粮食危机般恶劣(当年的粮食短缺,在孟加拉和海地等30多个穷国触发骚乱),但警告不要以为近期粮价已经见顶;若升势「延续多月」,便可能进一步推高穷国的粮食零售价,「粮食危机重演的机会也愈大」。



His Holiness's Middle Way Approach For Resolving the Issue of Tibet | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

His Holiness's Middle Way Approach For Resolving the Issue of Tibet | The Office of His Holiness The Dalai Lama

Free Tibet.